臺大BIM研究中心國際暑期課程BIM Fundamental
臺大土木工程資訊模擬與管理(BIM;Building Information Modeling)研究中心今年暑假推出全新英文授課的國際暑期課程,課程為期21天,帶領學生走入營建的數位世界,只要您對BIM有興趣,歡迎加入我們的課程。 BIM Summer programs are now available at NTU BIM Center! We provide a series of lectures, hands-on workshops, and industrial visits for all students around the world who want to learn fundamental BIM knowledge and skills. Apply now to join us for an adventurous summer in Taiwan! 【活動時間】 2023/07/24 - 2023/08/11 【報名時間】 2023/02/20 - 2023/05/31 (2023/05/01前報名享早鳥價優惠!) 【課程詳情】 http://oia.ntu.edu.tw/short-term-programs/courses/b323794ED91B
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臺大BIM研究中心國際暑期課程BIM Implementation Practice
臺大土木工程資訊模擬與管理(BIM;Building Information Modeling)研究中心今年暑假推出進階版國際暑期課程,以英文授課,為期21天的課程,讓學生與業界人士透過專案課程進入營建業核心,只要您對BIM有興趣,且曾修過我們的Coursera線上課程BIM Fundamentals for Engineers (https://tw.coursera.org/learn/bim-fundamentals?action=enroll),歡迎加入我們的課程。 BIM Summer programs are now available at NTU BIM Center! We provide a series of lectures, project-based learning, and industrial visits for all students and professionals around the world who want to learn BIM application knowledge and skills. Apply now to join us for an adventurous summer in Taiwan! 【活動時間】 2023/07/24 - 2023/08/11 【報名時間】 2023/02/20 - 2023/05/31 (2023/05/01前報名享早鳥價優惠!) 【課程詳情】 https://oia.ntu.edu.tw/short-term-programs/courses/03eC8cb91bFF |