臺大BIM研究中心國際暑期課程BIM-enabled Digital & Green Transformation
臺大土木工程資訊模擬與管理(BIM;Building Information Modeling)研究中心今年暑假再次推出全新英文授課的國際暑期模組課程,課程為期21天,由淺入深,1門必修課程(以BIM驅動的數位與綠色轉型(BIM Application in Digital & Green Transformation))及2門選修課(建物永續設計(Building Sustainable Design)、工程營建管理(Construction Management))(二擇一)帶領學生走入營建的數位世界,掌握時下最熱門的永續及營建數位管理議題,只要您對BIM有興趣,歡迎加入我們的課程。 BIM Summer programs are now available at NTU BIM Center! The NTU BIM Center organizes a unique 21-day international course in English, focusing on the fundamental knowledge and application of Building Information Modeling (BIM). The courses include one mandatory course (BIM Application in Digital & Green Transformation) and two selected subjects (Building Sustainable Design and Construction Management). This program leads students into the digital world of construction, providing them with the hottest topics in sustainable design and digital construction management. If you're interested in BIM, we welcome you to join our course! 【活動時間】 2024/07/08 - 2024/07/26 【報名時間】 2023/12/25 - 2024/05/12 (2024/04/07前報名享早鳥價優惠!) 【課程詳情】 http://oia.ntu.edu.tw/short-term-programs/courses/b323794ED91B 【交通地圖】
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